Sunday, September 25, 2011

Peacock Lane by Violet Craft is Here!

our latest line by Michael Miller to hit the shelves is Peacock Lane!!
this is a fun line that has colorways in Cherry Chip and Rainbow Sorbet!!! YUM!

here is a link to violet craft's blog

you will just love this line!!!

One of my favorite patterns made from this line is the Petal Blossom Bag by Indygo Junction.

come in and see just what fun things we make with Peacock Lane!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Heirloom is here!

Okay ladies, Heirloom by Joel Dewberry is here!!!

 We have quilting cotton, Home Decorator weight, and yes, we have Laminated Cottons!!!

Heirloom Quilt

and here is a link for the free pattern from Joel's blog

Did you know you can shop 24 hours a day on our web-site,
we have our new lines of fabrics on the site, new precuts, and our huge selection of laminated cottons, and more!!! check it out!!!

We also have Children at Play by Michael Miller in stock

here is a link to Sarah Jane Studios
and check out her blog to see the many cute things made from her line. I absolutely love it!

and we have Going Coastal by Emily Herrick in stock

here is a link to Emily's Blog

Now that should surely inspire!!!!!!

Come in today!!! or buy online